Latest ,Safest and Advanced
Microincision Cataract Surgery

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India's one of the Largest Eye Hospitals.
Over 30 years of experience
Eye Surgeons of International acclaim awarded with several awards for their work.
Highly Skilled and World Renowned Eye Surgeons
More than 2,00000 Happy Cataract Operated Patients.
Pioneer in 1.8mm Microincision Cataract Surgery in India.
Cataract Surgery is performed using latest Stellaris machine of Bausch & Lomb.
World Class Modular Operation Theatre with Zero infection rate.
Bausch & Lomb certified hospital.
Dr. Mohita Sharma
Tirupati Eye Centre is a state of art world- class eye super specialty tertiary care facility with cutting edge technology by highly skilled Ophthalmologists in Noida. Our Mission is “to excel in eye specialist services by highly ethical practices and enabling a highly motivated workforce...
I am very happy to see this eye hospital which has been made in Noida to do good work in all specialities of eye. The campaign on diabetic retinopathy is especially commendable.
Tirupati Eye Centre is a hospital known for its quality services for eye catering to all segments of society whether rich or poor. It provides latest technology for all types of eye diseases under one roof
An eye hospital in Noida with state of art facilities,comfortable atmosphere, disciplined, polite and knowledgable staff and expert doctors in whose hands patients feel safe
Hospital of repute where doctors give a personal touch and technology is most advanced making it a safe and trusted place for eye treatment. Noida is proud to have an eye institute of this capacity
How long does it take to recover from cataract surgery?
Ans: Usually, it takes around 2 weeks for majority of healing to take place. Full recovery and glass power stabilisation, however, takes around 6 weeks.
Is cataract surgery painful?
Ans: With topical anaesthesia (anaesthesia using eye drops), there is hardly feel any pain, there is only a slight touch or pressure sensation. In current times injectable anaesthesia is rarely given
Is cataract surgery safe?
Ans: With the modern techniques, cataract surgery is a very safe surgery with a success rate of almost 100%.
What are the Do’s and don'ts after cataract surgery?
Ans: There is no dietary restriction after cataract surgery. You need to follow up to the ophthalmologist as advised. Do not touch or rub the eye after surgery for around 2 weeks. Avoid splashes of water on your eye to wash the eye. Instead, you have to clean it with sterile cotton. Washing of face and bath is allowed from next day onwards with a precaution of avoiding water going into the eyes.
Does cataract surgery give ya 20/ 20 Vision?
Ans: Yes, in majority of cases vision is 20/20 (normal vision) if all other parts of the eye like retina and nerve are normal.
Can you watch TV after cataract surgery?
Ans: Yes, you can watch TV immediately after surgery but with some breaks.
Will I still need glasses after cataract surgery?
Ans: With the modern Multifocal and Trifocal lenses, there is no dependence on glasses though you may need some power of glasses for refinement of vision to a perfect vision.
Do I need to get done cataract surgery in both eyes?
Ans: Your treating ophthalmologist with assess for the cataract in your eyes. If cataract is present in both the eyes, it is advisable to undergo cataract surgeries in both the eyes with a gap of around 3-7 days. If cataract is present in only one eye, then only that eye will need cataract surgery.
Who is not a candidate for cataract surgery?
Ans: The patients with active infection in the body, active inflammation in the eye, uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension are not candidates for surgery. The patients need to address the abovementioned conditions first before undergoing cataract surgery.
What is the best lens replacement for cataract surgery?
Ans: There are a variety of lenses available in the market. Depending upon the patient’s need, lifestyle, profession and eye condition, the ophthalmologist can guide you the best lens available for you.
What activities should be avoided after cataract surgery?
Ans: Weightlifting, yoga and swimming are to be avoided for around 15 days after cataract surgery. However, you can walk, do mild gymming.
Why are eyes still blurry and sun sensitive after 2 months of cataract surgery?
Ans: It is unusual to be sun sensitive and have blurry vision 2 months after cataract surgery. You need to consult an ophthalmologist for the same.
Which technique is better for cataract surgery- laser or conventional?
Ans: Laser cataract surgery (phacoemulsification) requires smaller incision, thus, there is no need to suture making the recovery faster and better. Thus, laser cataract surgery is much better than traditional cataract surgeries which had larger incisions and required stitches.
How soon can we wash my hair after cataract surgery?
Ans: You can wash your hair 1 day after cataract surgery. However, you need to take care that water doesn’t enter your eye as the wound is still healing for 2 weeks.
What is the most common complication of cataract surgery?
Ans: Though theoretically there is a long list of complications after cataract surgery, practically the modern time surgeries are done using very advanced technology with strict aseptic precautions which makes the procedure almost 100% safe.
Can we drive myself home after cataract surgery?
Ans: It is not advisable to drive immediately after cataract surgery, though it is not contraindicated.
Which lens is better- monofocal or multifocal?
Ans: Monofocal lenses give you freedom from spectacles for distance. The power of glasses for distance would be very minor and almost zero after monofocal lens implantation However, you still need to wear a significant power of reading glasses. With the modern Multifocal lenses, there is no spectacle dependence for distance as well as reading and powers for these ranges are there but very minimal. With multifocal lenses the distance, intermediate and near vision is good with almost zero very minor power of glasses. These can be bifocal (working for distance and near) or trifocal (working for distance, intermediate and near)
What is the average cost of cataract surgery per eye?
Ans: The average cost is very variable depending on technique and type of lens implanted. It can vary from Rs.13,000- around Rs. 1 lakh. The average cost is around Rs 30,000/- to 40,000/- per eye.
Are premium cataract surgery lenses worth it?
Ans: Depending on your visual needs and expectations, premium lenses offer the best possible visual correction and independence from glasses.
Can we wait too long for cataract surgery once it is detected?
Ans: It is not advisable to wait too long for cataract surgery. It should be planned whenever the doctor advice. With time, as cataract tends to advance and becomes mature. Mature cataract swells up and increases the pressure of the eye which can cause a permanent damage to the nerve of the eye.
When should we go in for have cataract removed?
Ans: When you get your eyes checked by the doctor, they tell you about the stage in which your cataract is and advise you on whether or not you should go in for cataract surgery.
Is blood test required for cataract surgery?
Ans: Your BP measurement and blood sugar is required before cataract surgery. However, more investigations and physician fitness may be needed in certain cases.
Is Toric lens worth the cost?
Ans: Toric lens is required if you have a high astigmatism (cylindrical power of glasses). Toric lens is a type of lens which has cylinder in it, thus after surgery you will not have a high cylindrical power in your glasses and you will be less dependent on glasses.
Can we use my phone after cataract surgery?
Ans: Yes, you can use your phone but for a limited duration to avoid eyestrain.
How do we shower after cataract surgery?
Ans: You can shower normally keeping your eye closed, taking care that water does not enter your eye.
How long do we have to wear sunglasses after cataract surgery?
Ans: It is not essential to wear sunglasses every time. However, if you are stepping out in the sun and in a dusty environment, you can wear sunglasses to avoid dust exposure.
How long is vision blurry after cataract surgery?
Ans: You can have blurred vision for 2-3 days (maximum around 1 week) after surgery. However, the power of glasses and vision stabilize by 2-3 weeks.
What is ghosting after cataract surgery?
Ans: Ghosting is because of healing which induces some powers which can be responsible for blurred vision.
What is the latest and most recommended technology for cataract surgery?
Ans: Currently the latest and most recommended technology is phacoemulsification surgery where a small, valved incision is used. 1.8 mm incision (sometimes 1.4 mm) is the incision used and the type of surgery done is called Microincision cataract surgery.
Can we get cataract surgery done if I am claustrophobic?
Ans: Yes, you can. A sterile drape is placed over the face during cataract surgery to maintain sterile conditions. However, this can be placed in a tented manner to allow you to breathe, to allow air to enter so that you do not feel claustrophobic.
Can we go back to work after cataract surgery?
Ans: Yes, you can go to work after cataract surgery but follow two precautions for two weeks - do not rub your eyes and do not put direct splashes of water on your eyes. Carry your eye drops with you for work for about 6 weeks.
How long do lenses implanted in the eye during cataract surgery last?
Ans: Lens implanted inside the eye during cataract surgery lasts for the whole lifetime. It does not require to be exchanged or cleaned.
How long does a cataract assessment take?
Ans: For assessment of cataract the eye needs to be dilated by putting dilator eyedrops. The process of dilatation takes around 45 minutes. After this the doctor assess the stage of cataract as well as the condition of other parts like retina and nerve of the eye. Thereafter if the doctor advises cataract surgery, it takes around 30-45 minutes to do preoperative investigations to decide about the procedure, its safety and type of lens to be implanted.
What kind of tests are done before cataract surgery?
Ans: Routinely Blood pressure and blood sugar measurements are done. If the Doctors feels the need of any other investigations or physician clearance before surgery, then the appropriate investigations as advised must be carried out. The power of lens to be implanted is also calculated using various types if instruments
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